Tuesday, 8 July 2014

A Course on Gerontology

The course on Gerontology: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, which I was taking under the Diploma in Gerontology Programme at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, got over last week. Like the course, the students group was also a multidisciplinary group; there were doctor, social worker, journalist, demographer, scientist, legal experts, financial experts, entrepreneurs and people with background in management and office administration in the group. Their experiences and curiosity to learn new things related to gerontology made the sessions an interesting and amazing experience for me and I am sure for them as well.

Apart from the interesting discussions and their enthusiasm to learn new things about gerontology, one thing which I really liked in the group was the strong bonding among them. Though they belonged to different age groups and different places but they bonded very well with each other and were ready to help each other in class assignments without any selfish motive.

I wish all of them good luck for their endeavours in this field and hope that they all will work towards promotion of healthy and productive ageing in our society.

Same post has been shared on my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/productiveageing

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