Nothing can make
my day as exciting as this news coming from Williston, United States, where
senior citizens are celebrating healthy ageing month by attending senior
college (
Such classes have
been organised for keeping the elderly mentally involved and fit. Various
researches done so far have proved that exercising the body, and the brain
regularly, improves thinking and memory skills. It also delays or prevents
certain disorders like Alzheimer's.
Appreciating the
efforts of the seniors, Jim Stout, Associate Professor at Williston State
College said "They learn so much from each other and they appreciate
learning from some each other. They don't put it all on me." This reminds
me about some of my 60+ active and passionate students at Tata Institute of
Social Sciences whom I taught Gerontology in 2014.
As longevity is
increasing we need to involve more and more seniors in tasks which can keep
them mentally and physically active. Starting senior college for 60+ is one of
the best ways to make them learn and share their knowledge and thus keep
themselves mentally and physically fit.
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