Sunday, 26 May 2013

Engagement in activities is a key to Healthy Ageing

It really makes me feel bad to observe some of the myths and stereotypes existing in our society about old age as a stage when people sit idle at home either in frustration or depression.

While pursuing my Ph.D., I observed that many of the senior citizens from whom I collected data, believed in keeping themselves healthy by engaging in either some household or personal chores or pursuing some outdoor activities. Some of them were even pursuing second careers and other work, related to their interest. I am proud to say that my father also belongs to such category of people. He is 65 years old and is actively pursuing his medical profession.

All of them believe that keeping oneself engaged in some activities is not only a means of keeping oneself physically active but is also a way of keeping oneself psychologically fit and socially involved, which is must for a healthy and productive ageing.

I strongly suggest those who believe that life after 60 years is inactive and useless, to change their mindset and meet such people who believe that one can keep oneself fit through a strong will power irrespective of age related changes.

Points to ponder: Do you also believe in such myths and stereotypes about old age?

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