Tuesday 2 January 2018

Living Happily & Ageing Gracefully Together

Sharing a beautiful story via Senior Express (www.seniorexpress.in) of Mr. and Mrs. Shah, a 70+ couple from Mumbai. Mrs. Pushpa Shah (70) and Mr. Ramesh Shah (77) have been happily married for the past 50 years. During this period they have experienced various struggles and achievements together which has brought them closer to each other. They are more like friends rather than spouse and share a lot of common interests like acting, singing, dancing, cooking and socializing with people. They are a perfect example of active living and ageing gracefully together. 

Let’s read more about them and their active lifestyle in Mrs. Pushpa Shah’s words - http://seniorexpress.in/social/living-happily-ageing-gracefully-together/

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