Monday 7 April 2014

World Health Day, 2014

Today on the occasion of  World Health Day, I would like to wish everyone a healthy and happy life ahead.

Health is an important issue at all stages of life. It has been proved in various researches that healthy and productive life in old age is dependent on healthy lifestyle in young age. So, if one is leading a healthy lifestyle in young age  there is high probability that he/she will lead an active, healthy and productive life in later part of life.

This year's message for World Health Day by World Health Organization (WHO) is Mosquitoes, flies, ticks and bugs may be a threat to one's health and that of their family at home and when travelling so one should take precautions to prevent themselves from being infected by vector-borne diseases which happens due to these insects. They have even circulated a video for taking such precautions (

Lets all of us pledge today to not only prevent oneself from being infected by vector-borne diseases but by other health problems too by leading a healthy lifestyle and taking appropriate precautions.

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