Friday 7 April 2017

A Call A Day Takes Loneliness Away

Today is World Health Day. Every year World Health Organization (WHO) selects a theme around a health topic which is a common concern to people all over the world.This year’s theme is “Depression:Let’s Talk”. According to WHO “depression affects people of all ages, from all walks of life, in all countries.”
This can become an acute problem among senior citizens, especially those who are living alone. Based on my observations and professional experience I strongly agree with WHO that the main cause of depression in senior citizens is loneliness and loss of independence and having simple conversations can make a huge difference. Sharing an informative video by WHO:
So, this weekend pick up the phone or have a face to face conversation with your parents, grandparents or any other elder family member or friend to make them feel special and appreciated. This simple step will not only control the feeling of loneliness among our elders but will also motivate them to lead a socially and physically active life.

That’s my 18 months old toddler blabbering on the phone and trying to strike a conversation with her grandmother ☺

This article was originally published on Senior Express:

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